
Compliance Audits and Risk Assessments

Compliance Audits and Risk Assessments are done at various Schools, Hostels, Universities, Cape Town Airport, Wineries, Electrical Companies, Gyms, Sporting stadiums, Sub–Stations, Offices and Construction sites. This includes services with waste removal, hazardous chemicals, electricity, asbestos, wineries, housekeeping, environmental risks, etc.<br /> Photos in the gallery are a few of the projects we have worked at and audited.

Safety Systems: Safety Files and Fall protection Plans

Safety committees are formed, safety appointments are done, all responsibilities of the safety committee are reviewed and assisted with. We assist you with the implementation of a safety system from start to finish as well as reviewing thereof every six months.

Construction safety

Safety compliance is assured at construction sites. Site specific safety files are compiled. Various forms of construction are assisted and audited: Painting, building projects, electrical projects, working at heights, asbestos removal etc. <br /> Photos in the gallery are a few of the projects we have worked at and audited.

Evacuation and Emergency plans

Evacuation and Emergency plans are done and has been done for many Schools, Hostels, University buildings and residences, Complexes, Shopping Centres, Admin Offices, Laboratories etc.

Schools and Educational Institutions

We specialize in schools, learning institutes, nursery schools and educational institutions.<br /> This is done for all matters of Health and Safety.

Induction and Training

An induction programme assists with the compulsory training given to new and existing staff members, construction site workers and visitors to your premises.<br /> Training is given to ensure compliance with the OHS ACT.

Event Safety

All major events are subject to the Event Safety Act of 2010 and we can assist you with an Event Safety plan as well as all necessary aspects thereof.

Safety Signage and PPE – Personal Protective Equipment

We provide and attach Safety signage. PPE: Safety Harnesses, Shoes, Gloves, Helmets, Electrical Protective Wear and First Aid boxes.

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